Scott Ford

Budget Meal Prep


Budget Meal Prep offers delicious pre-made dinner solutions to people with smaller budgets or fixed income

Grubboxx, a local meal-prep company in Sacramento, wanted to give people an option to try their healthy never frozen meals that wouldn’t normally be able to afford the premium prices.

I partnered with them to develop and refine their visual identity and develop new creative assets for their budget conscious clients.


  • Brand Identity
  • Typography
  • Brand Voice
  • Logo
  • Design System
  • Signage

The Challenge

Grub Boxx is a premium meal prep option in the Sacramento area, and they wanted to add a budget-friendly option without losing any of their existing customers. They did not want to race to the bottom against the other options. They decided to keep Grub Boxx separate from the budget-friendly side.

My Approach

Looking at the existing Grub Boxx branding and the other options in the area the first round of broad strokes concepts came quickly. An easy way to differentiate from the existing branding was to go on the warmer side of the color spectrum. The name of the new venture wasn’t initially set so we went through a few rounds of brainstorming.